Water is the miracle elixir that can sustain us if we never drink anything else. The human body is composed of mostly water and it requires more water for nearly all of its functions. To digest and eliminate, the body requires water. Anything else doesn’t do what water can do. Many water supplies are also subject to contamination by natural toxins, viruses, parasites and bacteria. These toxins may be present at low levels without harm to humans or animals, yet rise to become serious health risks under certain environmental conditions.
People are increasingly concerned about the safety of their drinking water. As improvements in analytical methods allow us to detect impurities at very low concentrations in water, water supplies once considered pure are found to have contaminants. Worldwide, just under 900 million people lack reliable access to safe water that is free from disease and industrial waste. And forty percent do not have access to adequate sanitation facilities. The result is one of the world's greatest public health crises: 4,500 children die every day from waterborne diseases, more than from HIV-AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined. There are more than 80 "regulated" contaminants and more unregulated toxins, like the rocket fuel component perchlorate which are present in most tap water.

Arsenic is a very toxic heavy metal classified by the International Academy for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a Category I carcinogen, which means it is definitely a cancer causing agent. Arsenic occurs naturally in the environment but humans have a hand in its presence as well. One of the most toxic substances we know of is fluoride and yet it is found in almost all brands of toothpaste. It's added even though there is no data to support its effectiveness in the fight against tooth decay. Tap water is actually fluoridated, meaning it's added to water deliberately, notwithstanding it's almost as poisonous as arsenic is, and more toxic than lead. Chlorine is added to water to kill certain bacteria. This chemical can be inhaled in gas form and absorbed through the skin and therefore presents a danger even if you're present in the room with it, to say nothing of drinking it. Chlorine is a highly reactive molecule that has the potential to be directly harmful to living organism. Once in the human body, it bonds with other compounds to form Trihalomethanes (THMs). These byproducts trigger the production of free radicals in the body and cause serious cell damage. In one research study, chlorine and chloramine was added to rats' water supply and as a result the rats developed tumors in the liver kidneys and intestines.
View the complete article: http://seedbuzz.com/knowledge-center/article/water-toxins-and-contaminants
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