Our agriculturists are researching on more new methods and techniques to increase their yields, one of those techniques is Hydroponic Cultivation commonly known as Tunnel Farming. This cultivation of vegetables within the protection of plastic tunnels was first practiced in the Republic of South Africa during the early seventies and spread to the north where the largest areas planted with vegetables and flowers occur today. The advantages of using a water culture (hydroponic method) of cultivating vegetables under protection are that the vegetables are very nutritious and that large yields of a high quality can be obtained. The tunnels are also called the hoops house, polytunnels, and high tunnels. This cultivation is often confused with greenhouse, but both are different. Tunnel farming is less expensive and the tunnels provide less climate control also they are not heated.
- A wind-free area. If this is not possible, windbreaks must be erected or planted.
- Water must not be very saline. Remember: the water is further enriched by the addition of fertilizer for the plants in the tunnel.
- The tunnel must preferably be situated close to a market, because the harvest must reach the market place as soon as possible.
Know more on tunnel farming: http://seedbuzz.com/knowledge-center/article/tunnel-farming
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