Friday, 14 September 2012

Organic Vs Non Organic Food

Farming has existed for nearly as long as we have. In the past, most people in the country farmed as a means of living; this was the main lifestyle before the industry and automobile age. A non-organic way of farming that has been adopted is to use methods that fight pest infestation and to produce higher quantities of crops. To solve the purpose of having larger yield certain methods were used:

The first methods are pesticides and herbicides, which are used to combat insects and weeds. However, these highly toxic chemical residues have been found in the crops themselves. The FDA has since banned these chemicals from being used. However, since some crops are imported, they come into the country, and many do contain these chemicals.

The second method used is contaminated sewage sludge. This was found to be a great idea as it made use of human waste as fertilizer for non-organic crops. At first it seemed to be a great idea, as it was cheap and easy to obtain, however, recently tests have shown that large amounts of this may contribute to chronic illnesses.

But with science and technology advancement in methods were seen, then hybridization was used.

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