Monday, 1 December 2014


In today’s world there is a requirement for clean food production, and Hydroponics is a likely solution for this demand raised, by savvy customers, over the past 10 years. 

Cultivating plants without soil is termed as “HYDROPHONICS”, which implies “water” and “work” in Greek. This method took roots in 19th century and evolved into its current structure, which is alluring to commercial growers and is gaining recognition among home gardeners.


As the name indicates the nutrient solution is “dormant”, and it may or may not be oxygenated, this is apt for cultivating crops at residence or on a small scale.

Here the nutrient solution is Dynamic or active, it is an intricate process which is suitable for Horticulture.

There are more Advantages than negatives with Hydroponics.

Hydroponics is a method to cloning hybrid cultivars that would otherwise not grow conforming to measure from seed. Hydroponics is very technical and proper so it is appealing method of agriculture to a larger consultation.

Mulching synopsis

Mulching is a process of covering the field with a protective layer. Mulching helps the farmer by protecting the top soil of field from, rains, excessive heat, wind and forms the breeding ground for beneficial organisms living in the soil.

From small scale production to large scale production mulching proves to be beneficial to both but doesn’t receive the projected appreciation.

Mulching helps to inhibit the growth of weeds, conserve soil moisture, improve soil texture and to protect roots from extreme temperature.

Mulches are of two types, biodegradable and nonbiodegradable conservation tillage is a common practise nowadays, where plant residue is left on the ground which works as mulch.

Non-biodegradable mulches are beneficial compared biodegradable mulches since they are more economical and can be used for a longer time. 

Saturday, 29 November 2014


Approximately 3 % of total plant species of around, 250,000 act as weeds. The weeds account to around 8000 species. Weeds can cause trouble in many ways and they are an important Factor which unless regulated, can have considerable overall effect on the quality and quantity of the Farm output.

No matter what definition is used, all of them lead to the conclusion that weeds are undesirable. Actually our relative point of view is responsible for classifying a portion of plant species into weeds section, no plant is a weed by nature.

The weeds affect both the yield and quality of the agricultural produce in a negative way. Hence there removal is of prime importance, that to on a regular basis. Though most of them get uprooted while we plough the field, but they reappear after the main plants grow.

Spraying of weedicide is an effective way to control weeds, the chemical method of weeding is highly effective, time saving and cheaper than manual weeding. 

Weeds are controversial in nature, but from the perspective of an agriculturist they are a bane rather than a boon. They need to be controlled in a practical and economical way to produce the best yield.

Seedbuzz Exclusive: Soil Salinity

Increased concentration of soluble salts in soil and water salinity is referred to as Salinization. It is a foremost task to Agricultural scientists to solve this challenge with respect to the agricultural sector.

Much research has been conducted in the area of relative resistance of plants to salinity. Salt content is a major factor in determining the soils chemical quality along with soil reaction, charge properties and nutrient reserves.

For optimal progress of photosynthetic Mechanism and biochemical processes of plants, ample amount of soil salinity is required, but this would lead to environmental problems such as radical changes in the physical and chemical properties of the soil, effecting the overall productivity of soil and growth of plants.

In spite of natural existence for soil salinity being in attendance, the human intrusion disturbs the natural ecosystem and changes the hydrology of the land, which results in transfer of these salts into the rivers and onto the land at an accelerated pace.

Managing the salinity requires striking a balance between the amount of water entering the field and the amount of water exiting the field. They are correspondingly termed as Recharge and Discharge.

Major research is still underway on the process of revegetation of recharge lands and Salinization defiant plant varieties.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Colony Collapse Disorder And The Role Of Neonicotinoids

Our ecosystem is an intricate network of life forms connected through symbiosis. Insect pollinators are one of the base of our ecosystem because they aid in the process of reproduction of majority of plant species depending on cross pollination. It is widely believed that every one meal out of three that we consume is the consequence of bee activity. hence bees are naturally of great significance for the sustenance of our eco system. Desolately bees are fading away dying due to CCD (Colony collapse Disorder). the major source of these deaths is believed to be neonicotinoid brand of pesticides. Inspite of the pandemonium there has been a debate that the rationale that pathogens and other parasites might be contributing to the deaths.

A recent report by the European Union has indicated a variety of reasons contributing to the death of bee colonies that includes poor management in beekeeping climate change, starvation and most of all pathogens.Though it is inconclusive after several studies that neonics play a direct role in the deaths of bees, it is assumed that neonics play an indirect role by decreasing the resistance power of bees towards pathogens and thereby leading to the death of bees, so this calls for a ban on neonics at least
temporarily.On the other hand crop production would undergo rigorous loss if there is an immediate ban, so its best to look for sustainable alternatives.