Monday, 3 November 2014

Colony Collapse Disorder And The Role Of Neonicotinoids

Our ecosystem is an intricate network of life forms connected through symbiosis. Insect pollinators are one of the base of our ecosystem because they aid in the process of reproduction of majority of plant species depending on cross pollination. It is widely believed that every one meal out of three that we consume is the consequence of bee activity. hence bees are naturally of great significance for the sustenance of our eco system. Desolately bees are fading away dying due to CCD (Colony collapse Disorder). the major source of these deaths is believed to be neonicotinoid brand of pesticides. Inspite of the pandemonium there has been a debate that the rationale that pathogens and other parasites might be contributing to the deaths.

A recent report by the European Union has indicated a variety of reasons contributing to the death of bee colonies that includes poor management in beekeeping climate change, starvation and most of all pathogens.Though it is inconclusive after several studies that neonics play a direct role in the deaths of bees, it is assumed that neonics play an indirect role by decreasing the resistance power of bees towards pathogens and thereby leading to the death of bees, so this calls for a ban on neonics at least
temporarily.On the other hand crop production would undergo rigorous loss if there is an immediate ban, so its best to look for sustainable alternatives.

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