Monday 1 December 2014

Mulching synopsis

Mulching is a process of covering the field with a protective layer. Mulching helps the farmer by protecting the top soil of field from, rains, excessive heat, wind and forms the breeding ground for beneficial organisms living in the soil.

From small scale production to large scale production mulching proves to be beneficial to both but doesn’t receive the projected appreciation.

Mulching helps to inhibit the growth of weeds, conserve soil moisture, improve soil texture and to protect roots from extreme temperature.

Mulches are of two types, biodegradable and nonbiodegradable conservation tillage is a common practise nowadays, where plant residue is left on the ground which works as mulch.

Non-biodegradable mulches are beneficial compared biodegradable mulches since they are more economical and can be used for a longer time. 

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